Social responsibility

The pledge covers the company's commitment to products that provide customers and consumers with high industry standards of safety, nutritional value and quality, a healthy and safe environment for employees, strict business ethics and values, responsible sourcing and animal welfare , environmental sustainability and the importance of nutrition and healthy living.

The corporate responsibility policy is based on the SAPUTO Commitment, which consists of 7 pillars: food quality and safety, people, business ethics, responsible sourcing, environment, nutrition and healthy living, and community, which constitute its social, environmental and economic performance The pillars of the approach, based on the company's business values and stakeholder focus, enable Saputo to focus on what matters.

Our goal is to safeguard the environment while continuing to grow as a world-class dairy processor. For us, this means:

  • Meeting our compliance obligations

  • Preventing pollution

  • Reducing our impact on, and adapting to, climate change

  • Using natural resources sustainably

  • Protecting biodiversity and ecosystems

  • Leveraging our capabilities as a business to create positive environmental actions.

To succeed on these fronts, all environmental efforts are underpinned by our Environmental Policy and overseen by our Environmental Committee and managed at the local level with the support from our divisional environmental teams.  

To further our impact, we have committed to accelerating our global climate, water, and waste (including packaging) performance by 2025, which is backed by a three-year investment of CDN$50M along with a governance framework, championed by our President and COO, Dairy Division (UK), to foster company-wide ownership and accountability.

More specifically, we are committed to: 

  • Climate

    • Reducing the CO2 intensity of our operations by 20%.

    • Reducing the energy intensity of our operations by 10%.

  • Water

    • Reducing the water intensity of our operations by 10%.

    • Improving our wastewater quality year-on-year.

  • Waste

            In FY23, we completed the allocation of our full three-year investment, which will result in more than 65 projects across our network that will deliver notable climate, water, and waste savings over the coming years.


+84 383805538

Level 14, 28 Freshwater Place,Southbank, Vic, 3006,Australia

SAPUTO RANCH[email protected]